All investment portfolios are constructed according to underlying objectives derived from the wealth plan. Based on the risk profile, short-term and long-term goals, and taxability, an investment policy statement is created determining the investment objective and investment management procedures. The investment policy statement provides the road map for the investor and determines the asset allocation guidelines based on the investment objective.
Asset allocation guidelines vary for different investment objectives and dependent upon accredited and non-accredited investors. Diversification is facilitated through traditional and non-traditional assets. Investment portfolios are reviewed an on-ongoing basis and re-balanced periodically to satisfy the asset allocation guideline for the underlying investment objective. All managed solutions are selected based on the discipline of the strategy, the portfolio management team, and performance versus the specific benchmark.
Our services are the perfect solution for those who
- are new to the world of investment management
- are not confident enough to make decisions on their own
- need someone to keep an eye on their investment
- want advice on investment
- are dealing with complex financial issues such as taxes and inheritance
- have had a major life event such as marriage
- have had a significant change in income
- are planning for employee benefits
- want their tangible and intangible assets maintained and well-utilized
Regardless of your net worth and without an investment minimum, CWPIM has the capability of constructing a wealth plan and a diversified investment portfolio to meet your long-term goals.